What are the best exercises to get and stay fit?

What are the best exercises to get and stay fit?

Been inspired to get fit and exercise? If you are thinking about getting active - and using our range of alcohol-free wines to help you achieve these goals

- then you need to choose an activity or sport to take up. You are spoilt for choice with the options in our list, as many of them require no special equipment or facilities - so there is no real excuse for not getting active! So what can you expect to feel or benefit from all this?

6 benefits of exercise Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of exercise and regular physical activity, including:

1. Improving your mood

2. Helping with weight control

3. Improving your balance

4. Strengthening your bones

5. Protecting your joints

6. Preventing memory loss Get your heart pumping, with an activity like jogging, and you could even be helping organs like your heart heal. Studies have linked high-intensity exercise with increased performance of the heart, and in some cases it has helped reverse the stiffening of muscles that accompanies ageing. Strength training, which helps keep your muscles from losing conditioning over time, should also be on your radar. It could be a simple activity like push ups in your home or garden. So what are the best exercises for your body, no matter your age or fitness level? Let’s take a look, with an emphasis on a low barrier to entry or participation.

S is for swimming

a person swimming

Swimming is often called the perfect workout, and for good reason. It is low impact - which means you don’t harm your joints as the natural buoyancy of the water supports you as you exercise. All you need is a cossie, goggles and a local pool or beach. And if you don’t fancy doing lengths then you can always join a water aerobics class.

Walk the walk

Adult Footwear

Walking is underrated as an exercise, but it is as effective as anything out there even though it is a really simple activity. All you really need is decent, supportive footwear - sneakers or hiking boots - to get going. You can walk alone, with a friend or even join a group hiking in the wilderness. If you are just starting out, look to ease into it and slowly build up your steps.

On your bike

Women on a bike

Hop on a bicycle and you can look forward to building more muscle, and lowering your fat and cholesterol levels. You will need to invest in a chariot to carry you on your adventures, but you don’t have to spend big to get mobile. Cycling is also a great way to get active throughout your daily routine - you can ride to work, do errands, or get out the lycra and head out on the open road.

Tai chi and breathe

Women doing yoga

Seen people doing strange movements in the park or down at the beach? They are likely to be engaging in tai chi - the Chinese martial art that uses a series of flowing movements and a focus on breathing to improve strength, balance and preserving muscle condition. The great thing is that you can do it at any age - and joining a class is a great way of learning the fundamentals, and is also great way to get social. No matter what activity or exercise you decide to take up, the important thing is to start and keep it up. It could be the most powerful and effective step you take toward keeping yourself healthy and positive. Looking for a non-alcoholic wine to complement your lifestyle? All our varietals are available online. Or check availability at your local stockist. Selected products are available in the beverage aisle at these retailers:



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