Christmas dinner set up with wine

The perfect year for new Christmas traditions

It is something of an understatement to say that 2020 has been a unique and challenging year for us all.

With overseas travel restricted and connecting with friends and family more challenging than usual, 2020 is the perfect year to start new Christmas traditions.

Like what?

Well, we put our heads together here at Edenvale HQ and came up with 5 interesting ways to add a little Christmas cheer with a difference this year.

5 ways to add a little Christmas cheer with a difference

1. Enjoy great-tasting mulled wine... chilled

If you live somewhere that doesn’t get any snow or where temperatures don’t really go anywhere below 25 degrees, you simply don’t get to enjoy mulled wine with your Christmas, right? Wrong! Create a delicious chilled ‘mulled wine sangria’, made with one of our alcohol removed red wines, and you can have your (Xmas) cake and eat it - or rather drink it!

2.Have a Christmas slumber party with the whole family

Slumber parties are normally a kids thing, but this year why not involve the whole family? Get the camping gear out and either make your lounge a temporary campsite, or pitch a tent in your backyard for some festive stargazing. If you are not a camper this is definitely the way to do it, as you have your bathroom, bedroom and fridge on hand in case it all gets too much.

3. Make home-made Christmas cards

Get crafty and creative this festive season by making your own Christmas cards. Not only are they more personal than the store bought versions, you will also be spending time together which is what Chrissie is all about. If you need inspiration try printing photographs out and attaching them to card, or hand pressing wildflowers to make beautiful local versions of mistletoe.

4. Have a clear out and donate it to charity

Most households have too much ‘stuff’ - so have a clear out well before Christmas and collect everything together to donate to your favorite charity. There are children and families who simply don’t have means to have a special Christmas, so your donation of toys, books and anything other useful could put a smile on their faces.

5. Make it an Edenvale Christmas: send your favourite alcohol-free varietal to friends

Did you know you can shop our online shop for home delivery? This means you can also send your favourite alcohol-free wine to friends or family - without leaving the house! But place your orders soon if you want to have these delivered in time for Christmas and New Year!

Our cellar is growing and now includes 8 varietals in our Classic range, and 3 Premium Reserve drops. Don’t forget our new varietal - a beautifully balanced Australian Pinot Gris - launched just in time for summer. Why not give a chilled bottle a try - it is all about flavours of ripe stone fruit, poached pear and apricot. It also goes great with food, everything from salads, to pasta, white meat and just about any fish dish.

Looking for a non-alcoholic wine for your Christmas work function or summer event? All our varietals are available online. or check availability at your local stockist. Selected products are available in the beverage aisle at these retailers:


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